Getting Help From a Professional Roofer

November 23, 2018

Throughout the lifetime of your roof, it’s only natural to encounter problems from time to time, no matter how big or small. This could simply be that part of the surface starts to wear away or corrode, or alternatively, you may see damage through poor weather conditions that cause things like leaks and dampness. Though this is fairly common, a lot of people panic, or sometimes ignore a problem when they notice it. However, this is something we strongly advise against, as the sooner the problem is seen to and fixed, the less impact it will have. Quite often the longer it is less, the worse it becomes.

Here at CJS Roofing we provide professional help to our customers in and around the areas of Stockport and South Manchester. We try to highlight the importance of seeking help from professional roofers as soon as you notice a problem and how it can help.


Noticing problems

It’s actually quite easy to spot problems with your roof. On the outside, you generally get visual signs, such as broken slates or shingles, and on the other hand if it’s something like a leak, this will usually become clear on the interior pretty quickly. Your roof is such a fundamental part of your home and keeps the building protected, meaning it’s the first thing to take a hit from bad weather and storms. Due to its protective position, as soon as an issue presents itself, it really is essential that you get it seen to by a professional roofer before it takes its toll on the rest of the house.


Seeking help

Seeking help is easy. Just look for professional roofers within your area and notify them of the problem. Like ourselves, a roofer will visit your home to assess the damage and what needs to be done before presenting the options to you and then getting it fixed as soon as possible. It’s critical that you seek help instantly when there is a problem, as it could be dangerous and have a knock on effect to other areas of your home.

You will always have a choice of solutions so that you can pick the one best suited to you. There are so many different problems and types of damage that can occur within roofing, but with our professional service we can provide a reliable fix for all of them. We try to make roof replacements a last resort if there is no other way of fixing the problem, however if it comes to having a new roof installed, you can be sure that we will do it with the most durable and high quality materials.


What are the solutions?

The solutions to any damage encountered, simply depends on what kind of damage it is. It may be something that only requires a quick and easy fix, such as replacing some shingles, or sealing over a small leak, or alternatively if the damage is very extensive you could require a whole new roof. Different roofs have different lifespans, so depending on how old yours is, you may be required to replace it for safety purposes. It’s not often that the damage is this severe, though. Instead, professional roofers may suggest things, such as getting industrial roof cladding or UPVC installed, in order to strengthen the exterior and make it less susceptible to damage.


For more information or if you are in need of some help from a professional roofer, simply get in touch with us by calling 0161 427 9518 or sending an email to and we will be more than happy to offer the appropriate services and solutions to suit your needs.

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